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Anastasia Traina

Ms. Pepper Longhorn...
of 555 Centerflora Street no more. Watercolor, Dip pen and Indian ink ~ 2013 ~

The Metamorphoser!
Watercolor, Dip pen and Indian ink ~ 2013 ~

Lamented Poppies and Winnifred Weeds
I have always had a great appreciation for certain types of weeds!

Songstress Preshea Bleu!
Songstress Preshea Bleu, listens to the silvery song in her heart! She especially enjoys the complex imaginary part, and it sounds like this..

Chansonnier Millicent Bittersweet!
Makes a Garden Scheme! Watercolor and graphite ~2013~

Watercolor and graphite ~ 2013 ~

Ms. Poppy Farmer...
From the not so colorful town of Onepointonetulipsville!
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